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Community Events

Welcome to our Community Events page! 

On this page, you can add your communities events to a public calendar of events. Choose the appropriate link below that belongs to your region and publicly share your communities calendar of events, by using our free self-service process. In order to post an event: 


1. Please review the following example by clicking HERE

2. Choose the appropriate link below and view the calendar 

3. Click the plus sign at the bottom of the calendar 

4. Locate the month and day of your event and click on the day to activate the event details form

5. Complete the form and click Save button

6. Your event is now posted successfully

Google Calendar Plus Sign.JPG

*Use the following links to access through your web browser

*Use the following links to access through any other application

*If you are having trouble accessing any of the above calendars please contact us through our chapters or use our contact us page. Please note that we reserve the right to edit or delete any event posted in the above shared public calendars if they do not meet the criteria outlined. 


If you would like to make a small donation to the Armenian Network of America for providing this public calendar of events and its associated website maintenance costs, please CLICK HERE to visit our donation page.


Thank you.


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